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  • Writer's pictureSophiatou

Artist Profile: Åva

When is a band not a band?

Guildford trio Åva are a modern example of the ancient theatre typology of Gesamtkunstwerk. Meaning “total work of art”, they have embraced the notion of the DIY artist, with their headstrong focus on collaboration.“We all want to collaborate with as many artists as we can, from all spectrums. Not just music artists, but artists who do illustrations, animations and really use their work.” They see these partnerships as a way to maximise their creativity, as well as supporting other artists. This is what pushes Åva beyond the dictionary definition of a band and makes their music more than just a song. “Obviously the music is important, but you have to see the band as a brand as well,” says lead singer Claudia in a shirt reading ‘I am my own label.’

Born from the blend of a rock singer, a soulful guitarist ("I was looking for a guitarist and as a joke somebody suggested Luke. I said no seriously," joked Claudia.), and a theory minded drummer, the project started when Claudia found herself drawn more to the darker sounds of Billie Eilish and Bishop Briggs. Moving away from her rock background, the only style she had ever really known, she found herself more comfortable in using her voice in new ways. However, drummer Nathan put everything into place and broke the limitations of what was already there. “Taking a 3 piece band into a 50 piece band is what I find really exciting.”

Within an oversaturated genre, Åva are working hard to make sure that they are bringing something new. The music student eagerness is so clear as they speak, but it’s refreshing to hear their rejection towards boundaries. Instead they are embracing all ideas and working with a willingness to take anything on board. Coming towards a common sound from their vastly different musical backgrounds has made for something unique within the genre.

While their visions are sky high, they stay grounded in their song content. Steering away from the traditional perspectives on relationships, the songs talk about those connections between friends and even people who you don’t see eye to eye with. People who act a certain way, whose ideals differ from your own, but with whom you feel like you have to act the same because you’ve chosen to be friends. There are enough songs about romantic relationships and Åva want to start a conversation with their music.

Luckily new music from the band will be out before too long. Åva’s first single is set for release in mid-January. After that singles will be released every other month, as the band don’t want to surrender to the typical single, EP, album route. While the band is doing their best to go against the grain, sometimes there is no choice but to succumb. When asked their dream support slot, Claudia replies, “Um, Beyoncé,” as if there was another option.

It’s going to be exciting for us all watching on the side-lines as Åva navigate this new world of electro-soul they are creating for themselves.

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